Nasscom Emergeout – My Takeaways

nasscom conclave delhiI had been to Nasscom Emergeout (theme: Mobile Internet) this week and it was a pleasure meeting all the wonderful people and entrepreneurs. The facilities were awesome except that the space in the dining area proved too short due to the large gathering. May be a good problem to have?

I have jotted down some important takeaways for the benefit of those who were not there and as a reminder to you if you were there.

Most of these come from the keynote session by Vinay Goel of Google.

  • Mobile phone is your connection to your personal and professional world.
  • There are 4.6 billion mobile phones, 3/4th in the developing world.
  • Consumer innovation is going to lead the way as compared to the enterprises.
  • Speed matters – the apps have to work fast.
  • Google says Siterank considers site speed and uses it in ranking just like Pagerank.
  • Google’s vision – the web is mobile. They follow the policy of Mobile first and some ofthe innovations for mobile may not ever make it to the desktop.
  • Mobiles have reached volumes where these have become iconic.
  • Web apps are cheaper and faste to build as compared to the native apps. (My note: I totally agree, that’s why we have started building mobile websites before building native apps).
  • It is lot safer to have the data on the cloud rather than local storage.
  • HTML 5 is big – lots of new stuff will be built with HTML 5.
  • India has 30 million mobile Internet users as of now.

I will be posting more notes in another post. Keep watching this space.